Wednesday, October 26, 2016

After 25 ...

A couple weeks ago I turned 26 and I had to sit down and thank the Lord for allowing me to see 26 years on this earth. I had to really think about how fortunate I am at this still VERY YOUNG age. It’s still so much for me to learn but I’m starting to see my vision and true purpose as to why I’m here.
It would not be me to not have any lessons learned while I endured and got through 25. Here’s just a few that will stick with me forever.

  • Life has no problem humbling you all the way down. I use to think I was so well off and I had this and that, but when something happened to me where I could no longer be independent and eventually become dependent on others, it made me realize that material things can be taken away from you in a blink of an eye. Never think for ONE second that you have it all because you do not!!! Take my advice lol.
  • Love is meant to build you into an even stronger person. Don’t look at other people’s relationship and see that as #GOALS, make your own goals, make your own mistakes, and make your own breakthroughs.  There will be arguments and times when you want to give up but if that person means a lot to you, you try and fight for it, that’s how you become #GOALS
  •  Lastly, you will endure a lot of test, whether it’s financially or at work, they will happen but test are there to allow you to learn and grow! You will get through it, you will think everyone hates you in the office or your big mess up will cost you your job, but admitting to your mistakes and learning from them is how you pass these life test.

25 is a CRAZY but exciting age, just when you think you’ve learned all you can learn and done all that you can do, 26 comes a long and teaches you a whole new set of ropes! It’s a lovely thing!

Currently listening to"Masterpiece" - Jazmine Sullivan

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

My BossyBeaytyApproved Line

Hey Ladies, if you have been following me on Instagram and on my Facebook, you would see that I’ve ventured into a new business by becoming a distributor for ItWorks global. It Works is a skin care and nutritional company named after the excited reaction people had when trying our products – IT WORKS! My line is called BossyBeautyApproved and I love everything about it!

I’ve joined ItWorks because I felt like it was my mission to help women and men all over to take back their health and nutrition, why would i use products and not promote it so others can get the same AMAZING results as I?   I absolutely love that i am a brand ambassador for ItWorks, its teaching me so much about myself, as well as marketing, promoting and being a true GIRL BOSS. 

If you've ever thought about going into business for yourself, i have the perfect opportunity for you! Not only will you decide how much money you want to make, but you will have a group of girls to help you every step of the way, if you put in the work, you will WIN! If you would like more information, please do not hesitate to visit my beauty website or send me an email to Again, you all know how much i love telling you all about new beauty products and services, so i am so fortunate and blessed to utilize this new venture for my brand! 

Thank you ladies, please be on the lookout for upcoming reviews of my favorite BossyBeautyApproved products!

Thursday, March 03, 2016

Glow Baby Glow

Hey ladies, I’m back with a new post. Have you ever tried to achieve a soft glowy NOT SHINY face with your brand new cleanser only to have absolutely no luck? It’s not that these products don’t work, but sometimes you just have to prep your skin a bit before doing them. Here is one of my favorite glowing exfoliating scrubs that I like to use to get that radiant look going on, but before I use that scrub here is what I do.
  • Grab half a lemon and rub that all over my face (I like to let it sit for about 10-15 minutes)
  • Rinse that off and go grab my African Black Soap and just do a gentle cleanse.
  • Then I grab my exfoliating glow scrub, and rub that in circular motions all over my face.
    • Special tip: let that exfoliator sit on your skin for about 10 minutes so you can soak up all the goodness of it
  • Once that’s complete, wash the cleanser off, spray your face with your toner (I use rose water with glycerin) and put on your favorite moisturizer (mine is my organic coconut oil or my tea tree moisturizer by Monie Squared) and Walah! Glowy skin you’ve been wanting.

Try these steps the next time you want to achieve your glowy skin and watch as you shine bright like a diamond!