Looking for the perfect lipstick for this summer? Have no
fear, I have five of my favorite lipsticks right here to show off! If you know
me, you know that I am a lipstick fanatic. A little over a year ago, I even had
a segment on my blog called “Wet Kisses Wednesdays” where I would showcase the
pros and cons of a new lipstick weekly.
Since I haven’t done that lately, I decided to do a little
list of the lipsticks I've been currently wearing a lot since it’s been hotter
outside! From pinks, purples and reds, I wear them all and make sure they are
WCF (women of color friendly).
NUMBER 5 – This is one of my favorite nude lipsticks, its
South Beach Sand by Covergirl the Queen Collection. This is not your ordinary
nude lip. This has specs of golden tones great for the days you want to go for
a bronze look. I wear this lipstick a lot when I had on a monotone outfit and I
want my face to have a WOW factor. I would pair it with a bronzer, a black bold
liner and gold eye shadow! It’s very moisturizing and WCF!
NUMBER 4 – One of my favorite colors are lilac and I was
lucky to find a lipstick by M.A.C called Asian Flower that was very similar to
a lilac color. This is a great pastel purple that doesn't wash you out like
some tend to do. I ordered this lipstick on a whim when I was on their website,
I wanted something that was daring but still calm to wear for everyday
purposes. I work in a public relations department and I honestly wear this
lipstick everyday so that proves that it is not a very loud purple!
NUMBER 3 – Again I love me a purple lipstick, when I picked
up Brazen Berry by Covergirl, I knew I would instantly fall in love with it. It’s
a deep purple that you can build up to a very bright purple or wear to achieve
a light purple tent. I believe this color will look beautiful on EVERYONE’S
skin complexion, it’s really fitting, I like to wear this as a statement piece
for my face. I will do mascara, foundation, and then this lipstick!
NUMBER 2 – M.A.C’s Snob, it took me a very long time to
purchase this one for various reasons. It’s a very bold pink, its pale, and I was
afraid I would look like I just finished eating a powder donut! However, I played
with it for a long time until I found what was suitable for me! This is not a
lipstick I can wear by itself, I need a lip liner, foundation, the whole works!
The lip liner I use it Cork by M.A.C, which is very suitable for almost all of
my lipsticks. While I did not use a liner in the picture below whenever I do go
out, I will use a liner! It’s actually a beautiful color and if you wear it
correctly you can make it your own!
NUMBER 1 – I jumped on this band wagon a couple months ago, beauty
bloggers would always say this was the best red lipstick for women of color and
I never truly believed them due to all of the FAILED attempted I tried with
other red lipsticks. However Ruby Woo by M.A.C truly is the BEST red lipstick I
ever used! It’s become one of my favorites and I use it almost every time I go
out with my friends! While it is really drying, it’s essential to moisturize your
lips beforehand, peeled lips and Ruby Woo do not go together, TRUST ME, I know!
I will post more pictures of me and ruby woo below, I love it that much!
If you guys have any other lipsticks that you think I would
like, please leave a comment below I am definitely open to trying new lipsticks
from any brand!
More of Ruby Woo!
Dont forget to follow me on Instagram HERBOSSYASH
Hi, just letting you know that I nominated you in my Liebster Award post.
Have a good day!
-Crystal Michelle